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Academy Student News


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Level 4 Retreat


10/10/19 - 10/15/19

The principal behind the level 4 trip is transformation. The intention is to celebrate the hard work each individual has demonstrated throughout their process while experiencing the breathtaking views of Zion and Sedona, Arizona.


Level 3 Retreat

Black River, AZ

11/2/18 - 11/5/18

The Level 3 Retreat was a 4 day long retreat, with several groups a day. We talked about what everyone needed to bring to the retreat to make it successful and have emotional safety. We then discussed "what is a level 3".


Sweat Lodge Level 1


7/25/19 - 7/28/19

The intention of the Level 1 Retreat is to provide students with the opportunity to unplug from the stresses of day-to-day life at the ranch and find a sense of freedom through ceremony, brotherhood, and fun . . .


Level 4 Retreat

6/27/19 - 7/1/19

The principal behind the level 4 trip is transformation. The intention is to celebrate the hard work each individual has demonstrated throughout their process while experiencing the breathtaking views of Zion and Sedona, Arizona.



September Edition



Recovery is a healing process.  We can trust it, even when we don’t understand it.  We are right where we need to be in this process; we’re going through exactly what we need to experience. 



October Edition



Sometimes the space between where you are and where you want to be can be unnerving, but just remember that all good things take time — you do not have to have it all figured out at once.






Throughout Intersession Week students were able to participate in various programs like Art, Yoga, Jiu Jitsu, Arm Wrestling, Gardening, and Equine. Also Congrats to Fredo L. for Phoenix Award and Graduation from IBA!

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